Explore the Crypto Market And Gain Valuable Information
Search, browse, and discover all available cryptocurrencies and their details directly inside the Altrady app.

Fundamental analysis at your fingerprint
Discover how Altrady can help you explore cryptos and obtain relevant information about the markets.

Do Your Own Research
Our Market Explorer allows you to easily search for and compare cryptocurrencies based on specific criteria such as market cap, performance, category, and more.
You'll find everything you need to decide which digital assets to invest.

Know the market leaders and up comers
Market capitalization is a crucial factor in determining the success and popularity of a cryptocurrency to trade or hold long-term.
Our Crypto Market Explorer lets you easily view the market capitalization ranking of the largest cryptocurrencies, giving you valuable insights into the most popular digital assets.

Practice trading with no risk and no time limit!
Altrady's free forever paper trading plan is the perfect way to sharpen your skills and boost your confidence.
After the 14 days free trial, you will have unlimited access to the Free Paper Trading Plan.

Find out how different categories perform.
Explore the performance of different cryptocurrency categories, including DeFi, NFTs, and more.
By tracking the performance of different categories, you can gain a deeper understanding of which market sectors are thriving and which are struggling.

Best and worst-performing coins
Crypto Market Explorer identifies the market's top gainers and biggest losers, so you can quickly see which digital assets are performing well and which ones to avoid.
This valuable information lets you make informed decisions and maximize your returns.

30% Off With Our Annual Plan
You can see a complete comparison on our Pricing page.
Paper Trading
Explore all Altrady features available with Paper Trading Account.
Upgrade once you ready to use Altrady with real account.
Test your strategy risk-free.
2 Bots (Signal or Grid Bot)
DCA Bots - unlimited
Futures Bots
Smart Orders
Essential Plan +
25 Bots(Signal or GRID bots)
500 Price Alerts
Quick Scanner(50 rules, 0.1% price change)
Data Export(CSV)