Real-Time Positions with PnL
No matter how many trades you make, with Altrady you always know where you are in terms of profit and loss.
We automatically calculate your past trades, including fees paid to exchanges.

Track Your Profitability Easier
You can see how your positions are performing on the chart.

Automatic Break Even and PnL Calculation
With Altrady you don’t need to use an excel sheet to track the progress of your trades.
Altrady will automatically process your trades on the exchange and calculate the PNL in real time. No more copy-paste errors and a huge time saver!

Amount Invested and recovered
Forget about checking tables of closed orders to see how many coins you’ve bought and how many you need to sell to close the position.

Practice trading with no risk and no time limit!
Altrady's free forever paper trading plan is the perfect way to sharpen your skills and boost your confidence.
After the 14 days free trial, you will have unlimited access to the Free Paper Trading Plan.

Know exactly when to exit the position.
With the built-in break-even calculator, it's super easy to see at what price you can safely exit the position in profit. 

The break-even price is even included in the chart to give you visual feedback on how your trades perform.

30% Off With Our Annual Plan
You can see a complete comparison on our Pricing page.
Paper Trading
Explore all Altrady features available with Paper Trading Account.
Upgrade once you ready to use Altrady with real account.
Test your strategy risk-free.
2 Bots (Signal or Grid Bot)
DCA Bots - unlimited
Futures Bots
Smart Orders
Essential Plan +
25 Bots(Signal or GRID bots)
500 Price Alerts
Quick Scanner(50 rules, 0.1% price change)
Data Export(CSV)