Trading Analytics
To understand if your portfolio growth is created by trading or holding, it's essential to understand your trade base profit and loss.
It’s also important to understand which markets work well for you and which markets are not.
This feature is not available to new users. It will be replaced with a better version in 2025

Track Your Trading Progress With Powerful Analytics
Quickly analyze your trading performance with trading analytics.

Analyse PnL per Account, Exchange, or Market
With Altrady, you can always see what exchange, market, or currency works better for you.
Since every market differs, you can find what market movement/performance works for your trading style.

Practice trading with no risk and no time limit!
Altrady's free forever paper trading plan is the perfect way to sharpen your skills and boost your confidence.
After the 14 days free trial, you will have unlimited access to the Free Paper Trading Plan.

Automatic Trade-Based PnL Calculation
Every time an order is executed, the PNL is recalculated. Offering you instant feedback on your trade-based progress.
There is no need to manually enter your trades in an excel sheet prone to copy-paste errors.

30% Off With Our Annual Plan
You can see a complete comparison on our Pricing page.
Paper Trading
Explore all Altrady features available with Paper Trading Account.
Upgrade once you ready to use Altrady with real account.
Test your strategy risk-free.
2 Bots (Signal or Grid Bot)
DCA Bots - unlimited
Futures Bots
Smart Orders
Essential Plan +
25 Bots(Signal or GRID bots)
500 Price Alerts
Quick Scanner(50 rules, 0.1% price change)
Data Export(CSV)